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Attending an event

Find your tickets

When you order tickets on Eventbrite, an account is created using the email address you enter during checkout. To access your tickets, log in to the Eventbrite app or website using the email on your order. Then, go to Tickets.

In this article

  • Where to find your tickets
  • If you’re unable to log in
  • If your tickets are missing

Where to find your tickets

You can access your tickets in your account via the Eventbrite app or website.

The Eventbrite app:

  • iPhone: Log in and tap Tickets.

  • Android: Log in and tap Profile. Then, find your order and tap Tickets.

The Eventbrite website: Log in and go to Tickets.

If you’re unable to log in

You might not have a password yet. During checkout, Eventbrite creates an account for you using the email address you provide. To verify your email and access your tickets:

  1. Go to Reset Your Password. 

  2. Enter the email address you used to order tickets and select Reset password.

  3. Check your email inbox for an email with the subject line “Reset your Eventbrite password.” It might be in your spam folder.

  4. Open the email and select Set a new password.

  5. Enter your new password and select Update password. Once you’re logged in, go to Tickets to find your tickets.

If your tickets are missing

There are a few reasons tickets might not appear in your Eventbrite account:

  • Different email address: You’re logged into Eventbrite using a different email address than the one you used to place the order.

  • Typo in your email address: The email address on your order was misspelled during checkout.

  • The organizer disabled PDF tickets: The order appears in your Eventbrite account, but there is no option to print tickets.

If your tickets are missing for any of these reasons, contact the event organizer for assistance.

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