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Create an Instagram Growth Playbook campaign

Eventbrite's Instagram Growth Playbook aims to help event organizers increase their following on Instagram: as little as $5/day, as low as $0.15/subscriber. Brands or businesses can increase their following on Instagram by creating Instagram Story ads that move interested audiences directly into their profile. You can start building the Instagram Growth Playbook from your Eventbrite account.

In this article

  • Why run paid ads to grow on Instagram?
  • Create your Instagram Growth Playbook campaign

Why run paid ads to grow on Instagram?

  • Get real Instagram followers who are loyal to you and your brand.

  • Create Instagram Story ads that move interested audiences directly into your profile.

  • Grow your following and get more likes, comments, views, and re-shares.

  • Maximize social engagement and increase profile discovery.

  • Help people discover and keep up with your events.

Create your Instagram Growth Playbook campaign

NOTE: We highly recommend creating a video formatted for Instagram Stories Ads prior to making your Instagram Growth Playbook campaign. Alternatively, here are some tips on utilizing the built-in Canva integration to create engaging image assets!

1. Start the process from the Instagram Growth section of the "Marketing Tools".

2. Select a Facebook Advertising Account (under "Select Accounts").

If your Instagram account does not automatically populate once you the Facebook page, this is usually because the two accounts are not “linked.” Remember to link your Instagram Account to your Facebook Page.

NOTE: The ads in the Instagram Growth Playbook campaign will only appear in Instagram Stories. The reason why you have to choose a Facebook Page is because Instagram is owned by Facebook.

3. Choose a campaign start and end date (and time) for your campaign.

We recommend you toggle the Run my ad campaign continuously option to on, if you want your campaign to run continuously.

If you do not want your campaign to run continuously, you can uncheck toggle the option to off. From there, you'll select an "End Date" as well as an "End Time" for your campaign.

TIP: Avoid setting an end date too soon in the future, such as a week out. This will not give the campaign enough time to maximize follower growth.

4. Add and customize your Instagram Story ad creative (image and/or video).

You can upload images and videos from your Ad Account and Facebook Page Library, keeping in mind our recommended dimensions. Or you can Design Your Own with our Canva integration or use the Design Studio in Marketing Tools.

For image, select +Add Image.

  • Recommended resolution: 1,080 x 1,920 pixels

  • Maximum duration: 5 secs (Images are shown for five seconds by default)

  • Maximum file size: 30 MB

  • Supported image types: .jpg, .png

For video, select +Add Video.

  • Recommended resolution: 1,080 x 1,920 pixels

  • Recommended duration: 10-15 seconds

  • Maximum file size: 4 GB

  • Supported video types: .mp4, .mov

  • Video orientation: vertical video (formatted for Instagram Stories)

  • Video quality: H.264 compression, square pixels, fixed frame rate, progressive scan

  • Audio quality: Stereo AAC audio compression at 128kbps+

  • Sound: Optional but highly recommended

PRO TIP: Videos are more engaging and tend to convert 20-30% better than images. Additionally, stick to 1-2 videos (or images) with a budget of $5/day.

5. Add interests for Instagram Targeting.

Add and proofread interests in the "Add Interests" section, including no more than 10-15 interests total.

Sometimes a less relevant interest appears, so double-check your interests to make sure they are all relevant to your audience and encompass your brand. These interests determine who the ad is sent to, so ask yourself questions like:

  • Who is my demographic?

  • What are their common interests?

Then scroll to “Select Locations”. There are several options for location targeting:

  • Recommended: Event organizers want to gain followers in the same markets they host their events. Our system automatically gathers your past event locations and makes a list of these “Recommended” areas, broken down by the event name. This determines where you should be advertising. Additionally, a 50-mile radius is added to each event and its corresponding location to ensure the audience size is large enough. You can add or remove locations as you'd like.

  • Global: Event organizers and brands hosting events across the world (in-person and virtual) will find this the best option. To maximize reach, select this option to target people around the world, regardless of their location. We will serve the ad to countries around the globe, and optimize your budget accordingly. Even though some countries may be cheaper to advertise in than others, we will ensure your spend and reach is proportional across all countries according to those advertising costs.

  • English Speaking: online event organizers and wider-reaching brands that run events in English only, should select this option for the best results. This will send your ad to places such as the United Sates, United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia.

  • Custom: If you prefer to be more hands-on with your location targeting, feel free to select this option. You can add anything you want: countries, territories, cities, neighborhoods, etc. You can also change the radius for each location — select +50 mi and adjust accordingly.

NOTE: We recommend sticking to areas where you host events, have a large following or consistent ticket buyers, or both. Please be aware you can't add overlapping locations (e.g., United States and Los Angeles overlap. Instead, select “United States” or “Los Angeles,” but not both.)

6. Set a daily budget for your campaign.

Budgets typically run between $5-$30/day for a campaign. For growth campaigns, we recommend sustained spending over a long period of time versus a typical 7-10 day campaign.

Most users are able to start campaigns at $5/day (USD). You can either remain at this daily spend or increase the spend if you have the budget and feel your campaign is doing well, usually after 1-2 weeks.

7. Review the details of your campaign and confirm.

8. Enter a "Playbook Name" and select Launch Playbook Campaign.

NOTE: Choose Save as a draft if you want to launch your campaign later.

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