
VPCT presents A Christmas Story (play)

Humorist Jean Shepherd's memoir of growing up in the midwest in the 1940s follows 9-year-old Ralphie Parker in his quest to get a genuine Red Ryder BB gun under the tree for Christmas. If you enjoy the movie, you'll LOVE the play! Join us!

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  • A Christmas Story - play (Sunday 2pm)  primärbild

    A Christmas Story - play (Sunday 2pm)

    Sun, Dec 18, 2:00 PM

    Från $0.00

  • A Christmas Story - play (Saturday 7pm)  primärbild

    A Christmas Story - play (Saturday 7pm)

    Sat, Dec 17, 7:00 PM

    Från $0.00

  • A Christmas Story - play (Saturday 2pm)  primärbild

    A Christmas Story - play (Saturday 2pm)

    Sat, Dec 17, 2:00 PM

    Från $0.00


Arrangör av VPCT presents A Christmas Story (play)
To preserve, promote, and enhance the Village of Baltimore's downtown districts to ensure that these historic areas support successful commercial, residential, and civic activities that contribute to our small-town quality of life.