
Volunteer Events

All volunteer events held by FoKAG at the Gardens. The majority are monthly 4th Saturday events, but there are others sprinkled in between.

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  • May 18 Volunteer Event at Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens  primärbild

    May 18 Volunteer Event at Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens

    Sat, May 18, 9:00 AM

    Från $0.00

  • March 23 Volunteer Event at Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens  primärbild

    March 23 Volunteer Event at Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens

    Sat, Mar 23, 9:00 AM

    Från $0.00

  • October 28 Volunteer Event at Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens  primärbild

    October 28 Volunteer Event at Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens

    Sat, Oct 28, 9:00 AM

    Från $0.00


Arrangör av Volunteer Events
Friends of Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens is dedicated to working with the National Park Service to ensure that the Gardens are well-maintained, well-enjoyed, and welcoming for neighbors and visitors. We do this by connecting people to the Gardens through stewardship, public engagement and education programs.Come join us!