
Take part in one of our parent carer online events

Join us at our twilight online consultation workshops for parent carers of children and young people aged 0-25 years with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) in South Gloucestershire to give your views on the development of the strategy.

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Här är vad du kan ha missat

  • Independence parent/carer twilight online consultation  primärbild

    Independence parent/carer twilight online consultation

    Tue, Mar 21, 7:30 PM GMT


  • Presence parent/carer twilight online consultation workshop  primärbild

    Presence parent/carer twilight online consultation workshop

    Wed, Mar 8, 7:30 PM GMT


  • Achievement parent/carer twilight online consultation workshop  primärbild

    Achievement parent/carer twilight online consultation workshop

    Tue, Feb 28, 7:30 PM GMT



Arrangör av Take part in one of our parent carer online events
Events and training from South Gloucestershire Council.