
Spring 2024: ETO Supporters Interval Receptions

As a supporter of English Touring Opera, you are warmly invited to attend our interval drinks receptions on the road. This reception is free to attend but you must book your place here please. To do so click 'Register' and follow the instructions.

Händelser i denna samling

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Här är vad du kan ha missat

  • Interval Reception: The Rake's Progress at Bath Theatre Royal  primärbild

    Interval Reception: The Rake's Progress at Bath Theatre Royal


  • Interval Reception: Manon Lescaut at Bath Theatre Royal  primärbild

    Interval Reception: Manon Lescaut at Bath Theatre Royal


  • Interval Reception: Manon Lescaut at Exeter Northcott Theatre (25 May)  primärbild

    Interval Reception: Manon Lescaut at Exeter Northcott Theatre (25 May)



Arrangör av Spring 2024: ETO Supporters Interval Receptions