
#Source2Sea Action

Find events taking place for Keep Scotland Beautiful's #Source2Sea Action to tackle marine litter.

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  • Clean Up at Gorbals - Albert Bridge  primärbild

    Clean Up at Gorbals - Albert Bridge

    Wed, Oct 5, 4:00 PM


  • Clean Up at Clyde Walkway - Dalmarnock Bridge  primärbild

    Clean Up at Clyde Walkway - Dalmarnock Bridge

    Wed, Oct 5, 1:00 PM


  • Clean Up at Playpark on Clyde Walkway  primärbild

    Clean Up at Playpark on Clyde Walkway

    Wed, Oct 5, 9:30 AM



Arrangör av #Source2Sea Action
Keep Scotland Beautiful is your charity inspiring action for Scotland's environment.We have four goals - to combat climate change, tackle litter and waste, restore nature and biodiversity and improve places.