
*Soft Skills Tuesdays*

*Soft Skills Tuesdays*

Händelser i denna samling

Inga uppkommande evenemang

Följ Professional and Educational Development Workshops for London Met Staff så att du inte missar ett enda ögonblick

Här är vad du kan ha missat

  • Speaking With Impact Workshop (face to face, full-day, at EXTERNAL VENUE)  primärbild

    Speaking With Impact Workshop (face to face, full-day, at EXTERNAL VENUE)

    Tue, Feb 20, 9:15 AM


  • Writing Effective Reports (on campus, full-day)  primärbild

    Writing Effective Reports (on campus, full-day)

    Thu, Feb 8, 9:30 AM


  • Writing Effective Reports (on campus, full-day)  primärbild

    Writing Effective Reports (on campus, full-day)

    Thu, Dec 14, 9:30 AM



Arrangör av *Soft Skills Tuesdays*