
ResLife Events

We have a rich and diverse programme on offer for our students in accommodation this year. Take a look at the social activities and upcoming events we are running both online and in person. Full details can be found at:

Händelser i denna samling

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Här är vad du kan ha missat

  • Varsity Face Painting | Paentio Wynebau Farsity  primärbild

    Varsity Face Painting | Paentio Wynebau Farsity

    Wed, Apr 24, 12:00 PM


  • Cyanotype Printing Workshop  primärbild

    Cyanotype Printing Workshop

    Mon, Feb 26, 6:00 PM


  • Spread the Love: Valentines Craft Workshop  primärbild

    Spread the Love: Valentines Craft Workshop

    Tue, Feb 13, 5:30 PM



Arrangör av ResLife Events