
Photographic Lighting Education

1179 bekanta

Learn the art of lighting any scene, any subject matter, anywhere!

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  • Creative Colorful Portraits with Kate Hailey  primärbild

    Creative Colorful Portraits with Kate Hailey

    Sat, Feb 25, 1:00 PM

    Från $0.00

  • One Light Portraits with Kate Hailey - presented by Pro Photo Supply  primärbild

    One Light Portraits with Kate Hailey - presented by Pro Photo Supply

    Sat, Feb 25, 10:00 AM

    Från $0.00


Arrangör av Photographic Lighting Education
Pro Photo Supply’s mission is to assist our community in pursuit of the art, the craft, the profession and the joy of photography.Pro Photo Supply strives to provide the products and the expertise to enable each individual to reach their photographic potential: those who record family memories; those who pursue personal expression; those intent in developing their craftsmanship; those who earn a living by creating visual imagery; those who utilize visual technology to enact social change and those who employ photographic imagery to communicate the interconnectedness of our global community.