
PGR Welcome 2023

A collection of Welcome events hosted by the University Graduate School to help PGRs settle in to the academic year!

Händelser i denna samling

Inga uppkommande evenemang

Följ University Graduate School (Uni of Birmingham) så att du inte missar ett enda ögonblick

Här är vad du kan ha missat

  • Postgrad Lunchbreak at Lapworth! (In-Person)  primärbild

    Postgrad Lunchbreak at Lapworth! (In-Person)

    Fri, Oct 13, 12:00 PM


  • PhD Chat: New to the UK (In-Person)  primärbild

    PhD Chat: New to the UK (In-Person)

    Tue, Oct 10, 11:00 AM


  • Mental Health Workshop for PGs: An Intro to Mental Health (In-Person)  primärbild

    Mental Health Workshop for PGs: An Intro to Mental Health (In-Person)

    Mon, Oct 9, 1:00 PM



Arrangör av PGR Welcome 2023
The University Graduate School hosts events open to postgraduates from all five colleges. Some of our events are for all postgraduates (PG) and others are created for our postgraduate researcher (PGR) or postgraduate taught (PGT) communities.