
Parent to Parent Group, Grades 7-12

Join other Downingtown area parents of students in grades 7-12 to gain support, strategies and information to navigate the emotional health challenges your child may be experiencing.

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  • Parent to Parent: A group for parents of students in grades 7-12  primärbild

    Parent to Parent: A group for parents of students in grades 7-12

    Wed, May 15, 6:30 PM


  • Parent to Parent: A group for parents of students in grades 7-12  primärbild

    Parent to Parent: A group for parents of students in grades 7-12

    Wed, Apr 17, 6:30 PM


  • Parent to Parent: A group for parents of students in grades 7-12  primärbild

    Parent to Parent: A group for parents of students in grades 7-12

    Wed, Mar 13, 6:30 PM



Arrangör av Parent to Parent Group, Grades 7-12
Our Mission: Collectively, with families, schools and community, CTC empowers youth by promoting mental health and preventing substance use.