
Pagan Celebrations

The Purple Pentacle exists to promote paganism throughout Ontario. Our goal is to provide a safe and positive environment for people to meet and exchange goods and services, obtain information, and have fun, by hosting annual Pagan Celebration events.

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  • Niagara Region Pagan Celebration - Celebrating Samhain!  primärbild

    Niagara Region Pagan Celebration - Celebrating Samhain!

    Sat, Oct 21, 11:00 AM


  • Niagara Region Pagan Celebration - Celebrating Samhain!  primärbild

    Niagara Region Pagan Celebration - Celebrating Samhain!

    Sun, Oct 23, 10:00 AM


  • Niagara Region Paganfest- Celebrating Summer Solstice!!  primärbild

    Niagara Region Paganfest- Celebrating Summer Solstice!!

    Sat, Jun 18, 11:00 AM



Arrangör av Pagan Celebrations
The Purple Pentacle exists to promote paganism throughout Ontario.  Our goal is to provide a safe and positive environment for people to meet and exchange goods and services, obtain information, and have fun, by hosting annual Pagan Celebrations.