
Orchard Workshops

The Severn Treescapes Project has teamed up with the Wye Valley National Landscape to run a series of workshops to increase confidence among landowners to plant and look after traditional orchards and fruit trees.

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  • Orchard Workshop - Plum pruning and tree care  primärbild

    Orchard Workshop - Plum pruning and tree care

    igår kl. 09:30


  • Orchard Workshop - Formative pruning and young tree care  primärbild

    Orchard Workshop - Formative pruning and young tree care

    Thu, Apr 18, 9:30 AM


  • Orchard Workshop - Restorative pruning of old traditional fruit trees  primärbild

    Orchard Workshop - Restorative pruning of old traditional fruit trees

    Thu, Apr 11, 9:30 AM



Arrangör av Orchard Workshops