
Mr. Dressup to Degrassi

1267 bekanta

From 1952 to 1994, Toronto was a global player in a golden era of children’s television programming. For over four decades, our city was home to a corner of the television industry unlike any other in the world! Learn about it at our upcoming events.

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  • Myseum Workshop | Puppet-Making with Fraggle Rock's Kristi Ann Holt  primärbild

    Myseum Workshop | Puppet-Making with Fraggle Rock's Kristi Ann Holt

    Sat, Sep 16, 12:00 PM

    Från $0.00

  • Myseum Masterclass | Nina Keogh Teaches Puppetry for Television  primärbild

    Myseum Masterclass | Nina Keogh Teaches Puppetry for Television

    Tue, Aug 29, 7:00 PM

    Från $0.00

  • Myseum Social | Degrassi Trivia Night  primärbild

    Myseum Social | Degrassi Trivia Night

    Thu, Aug 17, 7:00 PM

    Från $0.00


Arrangör av Mr. Dressup to Degrassi
We are Toronto's city museum.