
Marketing & Communications

Marketing & Communications are one of the core disciplines of Business. Being clear, concise and effective in getting our message over can be a real challenge at times, so we have some great events to help understand things better.

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  • Understanding Clients, Effective Marketing Communications  primärbild

    Understanding Clients, Effective Marketing Communications

    Wed, Feb 28, 10:15 AM


  • Understanding Clients, Effective Marketing Communications  primärbild

    Understanding Clients, Effective Marketing Communications

    Thu, Nov 9, 1:30 PM


  • Marketing for Tomorrow,  Vision, Challenges, and Strategies  primärbild

    Marketing for Tomorrow, Vision, Challenges, and Strategies

    Thu, Nov 9, 11:15 AM



Arrangör av Marketing & Communications
The Gloucestershire Business ShowThe South Gloucestershire Business ShowBusiness Insights online festival of Business & InnovationBusiness Insights Online NetworkEach of our two day festival events is a Festival of Business and Innovation, developed with the Business Community and for The Business Community.Our Business Insights Online network meets every month on the first Wednesday at 14:00 hrs UK to meet, collaborate, share ideas and hear some great business thinkingWe draw on expertise from contributors, partners and sponsors, providing a stage for innovation, collaboration, discussion, learning and business growth.The show tackles a range of topics relevant to today's business community and welcomes businesses of all sizes and across all sectors.