

234 bekanta

A competitive learning innovation grant challenge which awards a prototyping grant of up to $200,000 to winning organisations to develop an innovative, feasible and scalable prototype that advances CET practice and outcomes. The innovPlus Challenge is run

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  • innovPlus JUNE 2021 (Round 11): Prospectus Briefings  primärbild

    innovPlus JUNE 2021 (Round 11): Prospectus Briefings

    Tue, May 23, 7:00 PM GMT+8


  • InnovPLUS Nov 2020: Prospectus Briefings  primärbild

    InnovPLUS Nov 2020: Prospectus Briefings

    Tue, May 23, 7:00 PM GMT+8


  • InnovPLUS 2020 JUNE: Prospectus Briefings  primärbild

    InnovPLUS 2020 JUNE: Prospectus Briefings

    Tue, May 23, 7:00 PM



Arrangör av innovPlus
inlab is located in the Lifelong Learning Institute (LLI) with facilities built as an integrated collaborative space and “go-to” place for learning innovation, We nurture learning innovation in all aspects of adult training and learning in the workspace.