
Hertfordshire Inclusive Job Fairs

69 bekanta

Come along to our Inclusive job fair, hosted by Step2Skills, for Hertfordshire residents, aged 18 and over.

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  • Inclusive Job Fair - St Albans  primärbild

    Inclusive Job Fair - St Albans

    Tue, May 21, 10:00 AM


  • Inclusive Job Fair - Borehamwood  primärbild

    Inclusive Job Fair - Borehamwood

    Mon, May 13, 10:00 AM



Arrangör av Hertfordshire Inclusive Job Fairs
Step2Skills is a leading provider of adult education, learning and employment support services in Hertfordshire, for Hertfordshire residents.We offer a wealth of opportunities to upskill, gain qualifications and improve your employability.Visit our website to find out how we can assist