
Haunted Abbeys with Haunted Happenings

Haunted Happenings are the organisers of the most unique ghost hunting experiences in the UK. We have over 100 locations to choose from and run events from Scotland to Cornwall. There is something for everyone. Join us for a night to remember!

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  • Guys Cliffe House Ghost Hunt in Warwick with Haunted Happenings  primärbild

    Guys Cliffe House Ghost Hunt in Warwick with Haunted Happenings

    Sat, Feb 10, 9:00 PM

    Från $0.00

  • The Nunnery Ghost Hunt in Worcestershire with Haunted Happenings  primärbild

    The Nunnery Ghost Hunt in Worcestershire with Haunted Happenings

    Fri, Jan 12, 8:30 PM

    Från $0.00

  • The Nunnery Ghost Hunt in Worcestershire with Haunted Happenings  primärbild

    The Nunnery Ghost Hunt in Worcestershire with Haunted Happenings

    Fri, Dec 15, 8:30 PM

    Från $0.00


Arrangör av Haunted Abbeys with Haunted Happenings
Haunted Happeningsghost hunts are unique. We offer our guests the opportunity to spend the night inside a haunted location and actively investigate throughout the night. Your energy and enthusiasm is so important in making sure that we get the very best out of every ghost hunt and we in turn will ensure that the event is authentic, honest and most of all enjoyable.