
Family Law

Public Legal Education that deals with family matters and domestic relations.

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  • Child and Spousal Support in Alberta  primärbild

    Child and Spousal Support in Alberta

    Mon, Oct 23, 5:00 PM MDT


  • Little Warriors Prevent It! Workshop (Indigenous Version)  primärbild

    Little Warriors Prevent It! Workshop (Indigenous Version)

    Thu, May 18, 1:00 PM MDT


  • Family Law Supports for Northern Alberta (Edmonton Community Legal Centre)  primärbild

    Family Law Supports for Northern Alberta (Edmonton Community Legal Centre)

    Wed, May 10, 2:00 PM MDT



Arrangör av Family Law
Our program offers free workshops, webinars, and information sessions to help people in Alberta understand the law, the legal system, and the resources available to them. Our program aims to support Albertans in their ability to confidently navigate legal systems that may affect their lives. All this is made possible by grant funding from the Alberta Law Foundation.