
Fall Classes

88 bekanta

Grant Writing, Creative Writing, Film Making & World Building - classes to spark the imagination and dive into creativity this Fall.

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  • Winter Writing Circle 2023: a writing class with Andrew Gaboury  primärbild

    Winter Writing Circle 2023: a writing class with Andrew Gaboury

    Tue, Jan 10, 7:00 PM EST

    Från $0.00

  • Grant Writing Basics: An Online Workshop with Colleen Snell  primärbild

    Grant Writing Basics: An Online Workshop with Colleen Snell

    Sun, Nov 13, 10:00 AM EST

    Från $0.00

  • Dance on Film: a 5-part class hosted by onUP productions & Frog in Hand  primärbild

    Dance on Film: a 5-part class hosted by onUP productions & Frog in Hand

    Wed, Nov 2, 6:00 PM

    Från $0.00


Arrangör av Fall Classes
Frog in Hand began with a cast of frogs performing circus tricks under the artistic direction of two sisters, Noelle Hamlyn and Colleen Snell, who were one and five years old at the time. From this whimsical debut springs our firm belief that art begins in humble places – including the mud and grass of the backyard. Building on this modest foundation we have formed a diverse collective of dancers, fight choreographers, musicians, actors, spoken word poets, costume designers and visual artists who come together to create cross-disciplinary performances in unusual spaces. Our collective has national and international professional experience, having trained and performed in Canada (Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver, Montréal), the United States (Chicago, Miami, New York), Japan, China, Korea, India, Ireland, Israel, Australia and England. Frog in Hand has received commissions from the Canada Council for the Arts (2016), the Ontario Arts Council (2014/15/16/17), the Guelph Dance Festival, Hillside Inside Festival, Art Gallery of Ontario, Kitchener Waterloo’s Night/Shift, the Art Gallery of Mississauga, Ontario’s Culture Days, the Mississauga Waterfront Festival, Springboard Danse Montreal (2015) and the Banff Centre for the Arts. Frog in Hand has created and produced many dance works – mostly site specific projects incorporating theatrical and visual elements. We've worked in parks, gazebos, a public water fountain, staircases, an abandoned gun factory, an elevator, art galleries, street corners and various theatres. Frog in Hand incorporated as a not-for profit in 2016.Visit us!