

746 bekanta

Taught by Vera Moone, these courses cover essential skills for electronics.

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  • Intro to Electronics: Effects Pedals (May 18th, 2024)  primärbild

    Intro to Electronics: Effects Pedals (May 18th, 2024)

    Sat, May 18, 9:30 AM

    Från $0.00

  • Intro to Electronics: Effects Pedals (April 13th, 2024)  primärbild

    Intro to Electronics: Effects Pedals (April 13th, 2024)

    Sat, Apr 13, 9:30 AM

    Från $0.00

  • Intro to Electronics: Effects Pedals (December 10th, 2023)  primärbild

    Intro to Electronics: Effects Pedals (December 10th, 2023)

    Sun, Dec 10, 9:30 AM

    Från $0.00


Arrangör av Electronics
We are dedicated to lowering the barrier of entry to manufacturing equipment and design resources. We strive to provide a cutting edge, safe and collaborative space for makers, projects and concepts to evolve.Through our membership, apprenticeship, education and production programs we provide individuals and businesses affordable access to the tools, knowledge and training required to grow and thrive.