
Drug and Alcohol Carer Walking Groups

The Carers Support West Sussex Drug and Alcohol team are delighted to invite you to join us for a gentle walk! This offers an opportunity to meet up with other carers affected by someone else’s drinking or drug taking and talk as we walk.

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Här är vad du kan ha missat

  • Carers Week 2023 - Drugs & Alcohol Group Social Walk & Talk  primärbild

    Carers Week 2023 - Drugs & Alcohol Group Social Walk & Talk

    Fri, Jun 9, 10:00 AM


  • North Drug and Alcohol Group Walk - Haywards Heath  primärbild

    North Drug and Alcohol Group Walk - Haywards Heath

    Wed, Feb 1, 10:30 AM


  • Littlehampton Tea and Chat  primärbild

    Littlehampton Tea and Chat

    Wed, Jan 11, 11:30 AM



Arrangör av Drug and Alcohol Carer Walking Groups
Carers Support West Sussex have moved all their event listings and bookings to their new website. Please find all carer event details