
December 2023 Run Off Election

This class is only for Election Workers who were not trained for the November 2023 election. This in-person 3 hour training will provide a hands-on, engaging experience preparing election workers to set up, open, run, and close a Vote Center successfully.

Händelser i denna samling

Inga uppkommande evenemang

Följ Harris County Elections så att du inte missar ett enda ögonblick

Här är vad du kan ha missat

  • Judge and Clerk Election Training - ED (3 hours, in-person)  primärbild

    Judge and Clerk Election Training - ED (3 hours, in-person)

    Fri, Dec 8, 2:00 PM


  • Judge and Clerk Election Training - ED (3 hours, in-person)  primärbild

    Judge and Clerk Election Training - ED (3 hours, in-person)

    Wed, Dec 6, 3:00 PM


  • Judge and Clerk Election Training - ED (3 hours, in-person)  primärbild

    Judge and Clerk Election Training - ED (3 hours, in-person)

    Mon, Dec 4, 12:00 PM



Arrangör av December 2023 Run Off Election