
Cycle My City children's cycle training

Families can enjoy a host of free cycling activities at the Cycle My City launch event. Our cycling training will give children up to 12 the skills to ride safely and build their cycling confidence.

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Här är vad du kan ha missat

  • Developing Skills: Bike Handling techniques. Session 2  primärbild

    Developing Skills: Bike Handling techniques. Session 2

    Thu, Jun 1, 1:00 PM


  • Developing Skills: Bike Handling techniques. Session 1  primärbild

    Developing Skills: Bike Handling techniques. Session 1

    Thu, Jun 1, 11:30 AM


  • Ditch those stabilisers: Learn to ride for complete beginners  primärbild

    Ditch those stabilisers: Learn to ride for complete beginners

    Thu, Jun 1, 10:00 AM



Arrangör av Cycle My City children's cycle training