
CS Lewis Square, east Belfast

CS Lewis Square hub is located in east Belfast where the Comber and Connswater Greenways cross. It's a great place to walk and wheel from and you can join group activities with Sustrans and Eastside

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  • Sustrans longer group cycle to Billy Neill Country Park  primärbild

    Sustrans longer group cycle to Billy Neill Country Park

    Sat, Jun 1, 10:00 AM


  • Group cycle to Orangefield Park  primärbild

    Group cycle to Orangefield Park

    Wed, May 15, 6:30 PM


  • Saturday long social cycle from CS Lewis Sq to Holywood  primärbild

    Saturday long social cycle from CS Lewis Sq to Holywood

    Sat, May 4, 10:00 AM



Arrangör av CS Lewis Square, east Belfast
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