
Community Events

Whether it's a market, a fundraiser, or just a special sale, these events are for and all about our wonderful community.

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  • Speed-Tarot  primärbild


    Thu, Jun 6, 6:00 PM

    Från $0.00

  • Faerie Market  primärbild

    Faerie Market

    Sat, May 25, 10:00 AM


  • Faerie Market - March 16th  primärbild

    Faerie Market - March 16th

    Sat, Mar 16, 10:00 AM



Arrangör av Community Events
Where Faeries Live has proudly served the magical communities of Edmonton, Alberta, and beyond since 1997. We not only offer a range of informative books, divination tools, essential oils, altar tools, jewelry, candles, crystals, incense, and an impressive range of herbs and resins, but we also host a variety of community events.