
Collective Thinking and Making - 17/05/23

LCF's School of Design Technology are excited to invite staff and students to their first school conference with a focus on thinking through making and experiential learning with workshops and activities designed by staff, students, and alumni.

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  • Showcase: Collective Thinking and Making  primärbild

    Showcase: Collective Thinking and Making

    Wed, May 17, 4:00 PM


  • Inside-out: Block-printing on Recycled Packaging  primärbild

    Inside-out: Block-printing on Recycled Packaging

    Wed, May 17, 2:00 PM


  • Fashion Act Now: Exploring creation beyond the fashion paradigm  primärbild

    Fashion Act Now: Exploring creation beyond the fashion paradigm

    Wed, May 17, 2:00 PM



Arrangör av Collective Thinking and Making - 17/05/23