
CBS Green Week 2022

150 bekanta

The oikos Copenhagen Green Week Team has curated four days focused on bringing together students, academia and business to go deeper on knowledge, tools and skills needed in our future careers of doing green and sustainable business.

Händelser i denna samling

Inga uppkommande evenemang

Följ oikos Copenhagen så att du inte missar ett enda ögonblick

Här är vad du kan ha missat

  • Green Week '22 - Working with Sustainability in a Multinational Company  primärbild

    Green Week '22 - Working with Sustainability in a Multinational Company

    Thu, May 12, 3:30 PM


  • Green Week '22 - Retailers' Perspectives on Changing Consumer Behaviour  primärbild

    Green Week '22 - Retailers' Perspectives on Changing Consumer Behaviour

    Thu, May 12, 1:00 PM


  • Green Week '22 - Fostering Entrepreneurial Talent  primärbild

    Green Week '22 - Fostering Entrepreneurial Talent

    Wed, May 11, 3:30 PM



Arrangör av CBS Green Week 2022
Our mission is to shape society by enabling students and young professionals to be responsible and regenerative leaders by co-creating inspirational moments, transformative experiences, encouraging communities and opportunities for perpetual growth.