
BROKEN GLASS - film screening

Broken Glass is a social history documentary film on the workers and craftspeople who helped to make Waterford Crystal one of the most successful brands in the world. Screenings on specified dates, Large Room, City Hall, Waterford

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  • BROKEN GLASS - film screening | Wed, 25 Oct, 20:00  primärbild

    BROKEN GLASS - film screening | Wed, 25 Oct, 20:00

    Wed, Oct 25, 8:00 PM

    Från $0.00

  • BROKEN GLASS - film screening | Wed, 25 Oct, 15:00  primärbild

    BROKEN GLASS - film screening | Wed, 25 Oct, 15:00

    Wed, Oct 25, 3:00 PM

    Från $0.00

  • BROKEN GLASS - film screening| Tues, Oct 24th, 15:00  primärbild

    BROKEN GLASS - film screening| Tues, Oct 24th, 15:00

    Tue, Oct 24, 3:00 PM

    Från $0.00


Arrangör av BROKEN GLASS - film screening
One of the largest and longest established youth arts organisations in Ireland.Dedicated to the creativity of children and young people. RESUMING IN-PERSON ACTIVITIES and WORKSHOPS