
Bois Mill River Chess Bank Repairs

Come and join our rangers to help fight the ongoing pollution of our rivers. We are repairing the river bank that separates the River Chess from the pristine Little Chess.

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  • Bois Mill River Chess Bank Repairs Day 3  primärbild

    Bois Mill River Chess Bank Repairs Day 3

    Wed, May 22, 10:00 AM


  • Bois Mill River Chess Bank Repairs Day 2  primärbild

    Bois Mill River Chess Bank Repairs Day 2

    Tue, May 14, 10:00 AM


  • Bois Mill River Chess Bank Repairs  primärbild

    Bois Mill River Chess Bank Repairs

    Mon, May 13, 10:00 AM



Arrangör av Bois Mill River Chess Bank Repairs
Join us for a fun volunteering session! Stay for an hour or for the whole session - either way, we would love your help and we want you to have a great time and keep coming back.