
Black Friday Sale

425 bekanta

Red Cow Inn presents the fairest panto in the land.

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  • Snow White Panto - Evening Show  primärbild

    Snow White Panto - Evening Show

    Thu, Dec 21, 7:00 PM

    Från $0.00

  • Snow White Panto - Evening Show  primärbild

    Snow White Panto - Evening Show

    Wed, Dec 20, 7:00 PM

    Från $0.00


Arrangör av Black Friday Sale
The Red Cow Inn; one of Ireland’s most famous pubs is also well known as an entertainment hub. Located within the Red Cow Complex that includes the four star Red Cow Moran Hotel this popular venue hosts live bands and cabaret shows regularly and also boasts Buzz Late Nite Venue.Add to this luxury accommodation at the Hotel, quality food and excellent service and the Red Cow Inn provides a great choice for your Christmas Party Night Out.Situated at the gateway to the provinces with speedy access to all corners of Dublin, the Red Cow Inn is also conveniently located with ample onsite car parking.