
2023 Data.SQL.Saturday.LA

2023 Data.SQL.Saturday.LA - PreConference and Main event

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Här är vad du kan ha missat

  • 2023 Data.SQL.Saturday.LA (#SQLSatLA)  primärbild

    2023 Data.SQL.Saturday.LA (#SQLSatLA)

    Sat, Jun 10, 8:00 AM

    Från $0.00

  • SQL Server Performance Tuning with Free Tools by John Sterrett  primärbild

    SQL Server Performance Tuning with Free Tools by John Sterrett

    Fri, Jun 9, 9:00 AM

    Från $0.00


Arrangör av 2023 Data.SQL.Saturday.LA
The LA Data Platform (f.k.a. SQL Malibu) is the informal meeting of a group of Microsoft Data Professionals enthusiasts in the Greater Los Angeles area. This group is intended to facilitate knowledge and expertise sharing through community and expert SQL Server practitioners, in the full range of SQL Server topics, including Business Intelligence. Through these meetings we encourage professional networking.  The meetings areFREEof charge and held thethird (3rd) Wednesdayof every month, built based on the community for the community.Subscribeto LA Data Platform (a.k.a. SQL Malibu) Email Marketing Campaigns or use QR code below