
Wellness at The Treasury

423 bekanta

Treasury member Shonna Chiles has created a lineup of fall events for women who are curious about new and different ways to care for themselves. From human design & reiki to yoga & exercise, use these events to discover new ways to get more out of life.

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  • Pause for Peace Sound Bath  primärbild

    Pause for Peace Sound Bath

    Wed, Dec 7, 6:30 PM

    Från $0.00

  • Gratitude Jam  primärbild

    Gratitude Jam

    Wed, Nov 9, 6:30 PM

    Från $0.00

  • Wellness at The Treasury: Human Design  primärbild

    Wellness at The Treasury: Human Design

    Tue, Sep 20, 6:00 PM

    Från $0.00


Arrangör av Wellness at The Treasury
Located on historic Film Row, The Treasury is a membership club and coworking community for driven women. The Treasury was born out of a need to connect and be productive. We want to change the way women think about work. Oklahoma City is full of women who are pioneering new and exciting ways to work. Entrepreneurship and job flexibility are great, but they can also breed loneliness. The Treasury is a place where women can focus on themselves and their work and legitimize their business with a downtown mailing address and a snazzy spot to meet clients. But we also want to be the place where you leave all your stress at the end of the day so you can go back home renewed.